Glossophobia: What is and What You Can Do About It

A staggering 77% of people deal with glossophobia or public speaking anxiety. Your heart races and your palms sweat just at the thought of addressing a crowd. This happens whether you’re presenting at work, giving a wedding toast, or speaking at a conference. My years of research and experience helping others have taught me a lot […]

Imposter Syndrome and Speech Fright

Imposter Syndrome and Speech Fright Have you ever walked up to speak, feeling like someone’s about to expose you as a complete fraud? Don’t worry – you’re in good company. Studies show that up to 70% of professionals battle these feelings during their careers. We call it imposter syndrome, and boy, does it love to team up […]

Speech Fright Science: What Happens in the Brain?

Stage fright, also known as performance anxiety, is a common experience. Even seasoned performers can feel it. This post will explain the science behind stage fright, focusing on what happens in the brain. Understanding these processes can help us better manage and support those who face this challenge. What Is Stage Fright? Stage fright is […]